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Virtual Chor intro


We’re so glad you’ve decided to join our inaugural MGS Alumnae virtual choir! We will be singing our beloved school song, which we've all had years of training singing. Even so, don't fret if you feel your voice isn't angelic enough - all you need is a heartfelt desire to lift high her banner and sing of MGS!


Okay, so you need a little more than just that, but as long as you have a phone with a camera, you’re good to go! Check out our recording guide below for more detailed instructions and some helpful tips on how to both look good and sound good.


Upload your submissions here by midnight on Sunday, 12 July.


Ready? Let's go!

Recording Guide
What equipment do I need?
Make me look good!
Where do I submit my recording?


You’ll record your video while simultaneously listening to the backing track through your headphones. The track and lead vocals will help ensure that you’ll be lined up with everyone else, and the headphones ensure that we just get your voice in your recording and nothing else. The backing track can be downloaded here.

What are we singing?

We will be singing our beloved school song! Download the backing track (with guiding vocals) here


With loving hearts and joyous song we sing to M.G.S.
And tell the fame of that fair name for we can do no less.
We hope that we may honour bring, and heaven ever bless
Our school, the fairest in the land, our own dear M.G.S.

Down through the years our memories will keep a loving place
For friendships made and pleasures shared, and lessons learned apace.
For those who worked and gave their best that we might learn to face
The trials of life with faith and hope and nobly run the race.

And now we're proud to raise the shout and sing of M.G.S.
Lift high her banner, one and all, her name we now profess.
In work and play for honours won, today our hearts confess
The debt we owe, the love we hold for our dear M.G.S.

What equipment do I need?

  1. Recording device: A device with both a camera and microphone (e.g. laptop, phone, tablet), and some kind of video recording software (e.g. Quicktime, Photo Booth, Camera, or the website

  2. Playback device: This is what you will use to listen to the backing track. If necessary, this could be the same as your recording device, but it would be ideal to use a separate device).

  3. A pair of earphones/headphones

PREPARATION: What do I need to do before recording?

  1. Download the backing track here.

  2. Make sure the backing track can be played on your playback device. You should hear a few seconds of silence at the beginning, followed by a *beep*, 20 seconds of silence, and then the beginning of the music.

  3. Plug in your earphones and play the track. Adjust volume as desired.
    (Some people find it helpful to listen to the track in just one ear so that they can hear themselves while singing. Others leave both in. Try singing along and see what feels comfortable to you.)


  4. Listen to the track and familiarise yourself with it – make sure you know when to start singing each verse!

  5. Adjust the framing of your camera set-up to make yourself look good (see: “How do I make myself look good?” for some tips!). Make sure that your video is in landscape, not portrait orientation.

  6. Ensure that you are in a quiet environment (close the windows; turn off fans, aircon, anything that beeps or hums; set phone and other devices to silent mode, etc.).

  7. If needed, place the lyrics somewhere where you can see them. Try to keep them at eye level so that it won’t be obvious that you are reading!

  8. Put on your favourite MGS shirt! (see: “What should I wear?”)

RECORDING: I’m ready! How do I record?

  1. Start with your headphones UNPLUGGED.

  2. Open your video recorder of choice. START recording.

  3. Start playing the backing track on your playback device.

  4. AFTER hearing the *beep* in the backing track, quickly PLUG IN YOUR HEADPHONES to the playback device and get ready to sing! You will have about 20 seconds to do this before the music starts.
    (Don’t worry about what you are doing on camera in this first part – it will be cut out. The beep just helps us to synchronise everyone’s audio and video).

  5. Sing!

  6. When the music finishes, stay in position for 10 seconds (smile!) before pressing STOP on the recording.

POST-RECORDING: I’m done! Now what?

  1. Listen to your recording to see if you’re happy with it. Make sure that the BEEP can be heard at the beginning!

  2. If you want to, re-record yourself using the same steps above.

  3. When you’re happy with your recording, save the video to your computer in .mp4 format.

  4. Rename the video file in the following format: Surname_FirstName_ClassYear_CountryOfResidence (e.g. Ng_Amanda_1992_Singapore   or    Lee_KaiXin_1975_Canada)

  5. Upload your video here.

  6. Join us on Zoom at 4pm on July 25 to see yourself and others in action! Register here!

Make me look good!

You already look fabulous, but here are a few guidelines to help ensure that the camera captures your true beauty:



  • Try to find a clean and neutral background. A background that is too crowded will distract from your face.

  • Try to ensure that you are a few paces away from the wall to avoid the passport photo look.


Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 12.03.16 AM.png


  • If possible, do your recording during the day, with natural light in front of you (behind the camera).

  • If not, just ensure that you are well-lit! It may be useful to use a desk lamp in addition to your overhead lighting.


  • Make sure your video is in landscape, rather than portrait, orientation.

  • Frame your shot so that your face is towards the top of the frame. Use the diagram below as a guide.

rule of thirds.png

What should I wear?

  1. Wear an MGS shirt! (Need an MGS Alumnae shirt? Visit our Alumnae store!)

  2. Solid colour top (preferably navy blue, yellow, or white) without visible logo

When is the deadline?

Please submit your videos by the end of the day on Sunday, 12 July 2020!

Where do I submit my recording?

Click here and follow the instructions to upload your file.


Please make sure your file is labeled like this: Surname_FirstName_ClassYear_CountryOfResidence (e.g. Ng_Amanda_1992_Singapore   or    Lee_KaiXin_1975_Canada)

Can I do a combined video with my friend/sister/mother/daughter/etc?

Yes! You will need to use a headphone splitter or share a pair of earphones to ensure that you can all hear the backing track and are all in sync. And, of course, please observe the current limitations on social gatherings and to the current safe distancing guidelines of keeping 1m apart.

Who is going to see this?

We will be streaming the video as part of our virtual 133rd Founder's Day Event on July 25. We also reserve the right to use the video for future Alumnae-related events or publicity. By submitting a video, you agree to our privacy policy, which can be read in full here.

I need help!

Email us at if you have any questions!

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